About me
Terran is a writer, a dancer, and a life-long learner. She holds a Master of Science in Applied Psychology, is a certified Farland Fiction Writing Coach and produced two "Learn To Bollywood" instructional dvds, plus her own fiction novels and spiritual burn books. She owned her own dance studio for years, crafting bohemian dances while also teaching American Tribal Style belly dance as a certified instructor. (It is now known as FatChance Belly Dance.) She is the president of a co-operative publishing house - CHI (Crystal Heart Imprints) - and a facilitator of The WitchWrites Circle, a weekly gathering of aspiring & published authors who seek to bring more magical realism into the modern mainstream. She co-facilitates Burn Book workshops and writing programs with The Edge of Perception, including upcoming anthologies open to the community. She is a life-long priestess of Vega's Path which evolved from the Reclaiming style of nature-focused spirituality. "If I had to pick one phrase that captures my essence, it would be, 'It's okay to begin again.' Life throws unexpected twists into all lives, and I am amazed and humbled by the ability of the soul to heal, reshape, and begin anew." If you wish to work with her to improve your writing skills or receive honest and affordable feedback, visit https://TLWoodliff.com for details. If you wish to fire up your creativity or release what is holding you back with dance or burn book workshops, send her a message.