Thursday February 6, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am MST
The publishing landscape changes rapidly, and no one can truly predict the future. But, one thing has become crystal clear over the last few years: authors need to go direct to their readers. Even if you bypass the indie route and go traditional, you’re going to have to learn how to reach your readers directly.

The future of publishing is direct. And no one company does more directly with readers than BookFunnel. Let Damon Courtney, creator and CEO of BookFunnel, talk you through the rapidly changing publishing world and show you how you can prepare yourself for the future.


Nic Lishko

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Damon Courtney

Damon Courtney is the creator and CEO of BookFunnel, an ebook delivery service for authors and publishers. Though he would like to be a highly successful indie author, he can only lay claim to publishing a single fantasy trilogy that he does really like, despite its lack of sales... Read More →
Thursday February 6, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am MST
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